In addition to our treatment outcomes the expertise and professional knowledge in our Maatschap is reflected in the following certifications, registrations and memberships in professional associations:
concerning dr. J.C. Hees-Stauthamer:
government license as clinical psychologist/psychotherapist BIG
government license as health psychologist GZ/Clinical Psychologist BIG
registered child and adolescent psychologist NIP
(Netherlands Psychological Association)
registered EMDR practitioner Europe +the Netherlands VEN
registered sexologist (Netherlands Association of Sexologists) NVVS
registered Jungian Sandplay Therapist ISST
(International Society of Sandplay Therapy)
member/supervisor Netherlands Psychotherapy Association
member/supervisor VKJP
(Netherlands Association of Child and Adolescent Therapy)
member American Psychological Association (APA)
registered Psychology Mediator
(Netherlands Psychological Association NIP)
Teacher, Institute for Mediation and Family Law Training (IMFO)
Consultant Health unit MSF/ Doctors Without Borders
Psychotherapist for PTSS treatment network Police Treatment Center Amsterdam
Behavioral Expert, Foundation for Police Training (SPV) and the Netherlands Police Academy
concerning R.O.Hees MD:
overheidsregistratie arts/psychiater BIG
overheidsregistratie psychotherapeut BIG
registratie volwassenenpsychiater (NVvP)
lid specialist ADHD-netwerk
After visitation by the Dutch Psychiatric Association (NedVer.voorPsy)
we have recently been recertified as a Quality Practice.